Mcool is a home-made music player,The main small、Transparent。The first time I saw it,,Will be attracted to its interface first.,Because the Mcool interface is fully transparent by default,When you start trying to use this music player,,You'll find it has a lot of features.,Pop players are all integrated with features it all has,And it's still a personal work.。


Mcool 3360 Release。


Mcool is a green software,Volume 2.1M,The author also provides a litthion,The Lite version is only about 500KB.,Compatible with operating systems such as Windows XP/Vista/7/8,With both simple/traditional/English languages。


When you compare the full and litican program folders,You'll find out,Most of the features not available in The Lite are added to Mcool in the form of plug-ins。


Use Mcool as a music player,I may have some problems at first.,Like what:


1、don't know how to close it,Because neither the interface nor the system tray icon has this feature (2013-1-24),You can actually use the right-click menu of the taskbar to close it,Or use shortcuts directly:alt-F4。


Mcool 3360_小巧音乐播放器


2、The interface may have minor bugs.,It makes you inoperable.,If it really doesn't work.,You can delete the "mcool.ini" profile under the software folder directly,Get it back to its original state。


3、You may not find the features you need。Software No1 recommends using win8 mode in full version,In this mode,Most features are displayed in text。


4、An overly transparent interface keeps you from seeing the list of songs。So it is recommended to click "Switch Interface" in win8 mode,Adjusted to black interface。


Mcool's rich features:Top display、Skin-changing、Lyrics、Equalizer、Mini mode、Visualizations,Global shortcut。。


Summarize:For a personal work,,The level of Mcool music player is very high.,Transparent、Small、Low resource utilization is what we want.,But the author should be a geek.,Not playing the usual cards in the way of operation,Makes it difficult for most people to adapt to it the first time they use it.,It takes a while to grind,If you want to get up soon.,Win8 mode is a good choice。



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