Avast Clear 12.3.3149.0_Avast Offload Tool

avast is a famous foreign free antivirus software,Not so long ago.,It released the latest beta version of 6.0,Although the official version has not yet been seen.,But we've also seen a new change in this top-of-the-line killing.,In avast 6.,Added sandbox and website rating plug-ins.,And the installation package is 20% smaller.,If you want to download an older version because of this.,So here's how to uninstall it.。


Avast Clear 12.3.3149.0 released.。
Avast Uninstall utility has been renamed Avast Clear.。

General uninstall method.:
Open the control panel.,Click To add or remove the program.,After you find avast, you can uninstall it.。


Avast Clear 12.3.3149.0_Avast卸载工具
If you can't use the steps above to uninstall avast normally. ,Or install other antivirus software after uninstalling to prompt your computer for avast.,Then you can use avast-specific removal tools.。
1、Download Avast's uninstall tool, Avast ClearAvast Uninstall utility.,Save to your computer.。This tool is very small.,Only 6M.。
2、Avast Clear will advise you to go into safe mode to uninstall.,At this point, follow the steps to restart the computer.,Press and hold F8 to enter safe mode after powering on.。
3、Open the avast uninstall tool.,Select the installation folder for avast.,Click "uninstall" to clear it.。
4、Restart your computer.。
Currently this uninstall tool should be able to uninstall any residual files of avast products.,Whether it's a free version.,pro version.,Or the Internet suite can use this tool to completely uninstall clean.。


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