Local file search tool Everything v1.4.1.965 Portable

Everything is a file search tool developed by voidtools for an extremely powerful Windows platform,Now love green soft ilvruan.com for everyone to bring a portable version of Everything v1.4.1.965

Everything uses very low system resources during indexing,Track file changes in real time,And you can share searches at http or ftp.。This version integrates 32-bit and 64-bit auto-judgment operating system releases corresponding bit-width files,Shown as Chinese by default,Link right-click menu to Explorer。Love Green Soft

Description of the app:


Find files and folders by name now。

What is "Everything"?
"Everything" is a search engine.,You can immediately locate files and folders through a file called Windows。

Unlike Windows Search,"Everything" initially displays each file and folder on the computer (hence the name "Everything")。

You type a search filter to limit the files and folders that appear。

How long does it take to index my files?
"Everything" indexes only file and folder names,It usually takes a few seconds to build its database。

Newly installed Windows 10 (approximately 120,000 files) will take about 1 second index。

1,000,000The file takes about 1 minute.。

Does Everything search for file content?
That's right.,"Everything" can use content to search for file content:Search features。

File content is not indexed,Search content is slow。

Does "Everything" take up my system resources?
No,"Everything" uses very few system resources。

Newly installed Windows 10 (approximately 120,000 files) will use approximately 14 MB of RAM and less than 9 MB of disk space。

1,000,000The file will use approximately 75 MB of RAM and 45 MB of disk space。

Does "Everything" monitor file system changes?
That's right.,"Everything" does monitor file system changes。

Your search window will reflect changes made to the file system。

Is "Everything" free?
That's right.,"Everything" is free software.。


Update the log:


fixed ann an issue with really longnames file file

fixed ann an issue when or removing an “only include” Exclude.

fixed an issue with missing changes to fydd files.


Download the address:









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Love green soft » Local file search tool Everything v1.4.1.965 Portable