PC Cool Dog Music KuGouMusic v9.0.0 Go Ad Edition

Cool Dog Music is a music software on the Windows platform。Now love green soft for everyone to bring cool dog music KuGouMusic go ad version has been updated tov9.0.0

Cool Dog Music Goes Advertising Green Fresh Edition,No advertising window interference ,Give everyone a clean、Refreshing、Pure Cool Dog Music,Enjoy the beauty of your music! Cool Dog Music is the largest and most professional user sofs p2P music sharing software in China,Support for lossless and high-quality music sharing downloads。

酷狗音乐 v8080 VIP去广告绿色特别版

Description of the app:

Cool Dog Music is one of the most popular music players in China。Cool Dogs mainly provides online file interactive transfer services and Internet communications,Advanced architecture design research and development,Network file interaction。

File download function with high transfer effect designed for the user,It enables data sharing transmission,There is also support for user chat、Player and other complete online entertainment services,Friends can also transfer any file communication,By Cool Dogs,Users can easily、Fast、Secure music lookup,Instant messaging,File transfer,Web applications such as file sharing。


Update the log:

Not yet


Version description:(- Jun Jun)

-Exclusive VIP identity
-Skip the landing to the right-hand ad bit on the station
-Login-free production of lyrics、Impeachment
-Download Automatic VIP Acceleration
-Go to the interface for all Tips
-Go to live singing and ban backstage downloads.
-It is prohibited to automatically generate third-party songs and songlists
-Go right-click extras (similar songs)、Share to、k Song、Send transfer devices、Lyrics Report)
-Go to menu extras (show today's recommendations、Online upgrades、Feedback)
-To play the MV buffer、Suspend ads
-To recommend the pop-up window today、Lower right corner ad pop-up window
-To turn off dLNA delivery pops up to create a desktop shortcut prompt box
-Prohibit editing of background downloads to generate ad programs、App Promotion Pack
-Go to the game.、Message button
-This modified version only removes interface ads and special restrictions,Not vip special edition


1、Because the main program was added to the Enigma Protector strong shell,So a domestic guard false positive in the inevitable,In case of false positives,Please add a whitelist;

2、If you're finished installing open cool dogs,Prompt missing file,This is because your system is missing a runtime,Please install the runtime!

3、First Start Cool Dog,Need to enter a password:Xiao Junjun's modification must belong to the boutique


Download the address:


https://pan.baidu.com/s/1B8Oyj6ZCF38EFof_6INbFw Extract Code:c5mg


  • Download address failure please give timely feedback!
  • All resources on this site are available to provide a trial experience,You must be within 24 hours of downloading, Completely remove from your device。
  • Don't forget to thank and support the developer! If you like the app,Please buy genuine!
  • All resources on this site are free to download。
  • Exclusive lying local high-speed download or blue-play high-speed links only for our members。

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Love green soft » PC Cool Dog Music KuGouMusic v9.0.0 Go Ad Edition