Disk Space Analyzer SpaceSniffer v1.3.0.2 Hanhua

SpaceSniffer is a disk space analyzer on the windows platform.。The SpaceSniffer Hanhua version of the Disk Space Analyzer, which loves Green Soft has been updated.v1.3.0.2.

SpaceSniffer is a free software (welcome donation) and portable tool app,Lets you understand the structure of folders and files on disk.。Visualize the layout by using Treemap.,You can immediately see where large folders and files are placed on your device.。 The concept of a tree chart was invented by Professor Ben Shneiderman. ,He is well placed to allow his concept to be used in this tool.。


Description of the app:

SpaceSniffer is a free software (welcome donation) and portable tool app,Lets you understand the structure of folders and files on disk.。Visualize the layout by using Treemap.,You can immediately see where large folders and files are placed on your device.。 The concept of a tree chart was invented by Professor Ben Shneiderman. ,He is well placed to allow his concept to be used in this tool.。

Start the scanning process and see the overall situation.。The larger the element in the view.,The larger the folders and files on the disk.。Do you need more details on a large folder? Just click it.。The selected element details its contents.。

Need more and more details? Continue to select the element.,They will discover their secrets.。Need a larger, small folder view? Then double-click it.,It scales to the full extent of the view.。

If you need to know why there is no remaining free space on the media.,Stay tuned for larger elements.。Maybe you just want to focus on specific file types.……All right。Simply type the file type in the filter field , for example.:) *.Jpg,Then press Enter.。The view reacts and displays only JPEG files.。
Want to exclude files? Then type the start pipe (for example) before the filter.:) |*.Jpg,Then press Enter.。This view shows everything except the JPEG file.。

If you want to track the files that have been checked.,You can mark them.。Available in four colors.。Just hover over the file.,Then mark it in red by pressing CTRL1.。There is also a yellow.,The key smarked in green and blue.。Use them as needed.。You can also filter labels ( for example.::Red displays only red-marked files., :all will display all tag files, etc.)。You can also exclude tag files, such as .:|:red will exclude all red-labeled files)

Want to know if you have any old files? Type a condition in the filter field (example).>2years.:),The view will react accordingly.。

You can also filter file sizes.,The date of the file.,And combine all the filters.
(For example, .):*.Jpg;>1mb.;<3months.;|:yellow)

After you get the results.,You can use an embedded export module to generate a text report.。You can even customize the report layout to meet your needs.。

-Support sander.
-Intuitive structural layout. (Multiple views for different media.)
-Scale the element. (Browser-like navigation.)
-Powerful filtering. (You can filter your results based on the age of the size file name.)
-Customizable options. (Geometric.、Color、Behavior.)
-Quickly scan your hard drive. (Navigation work., Even if the scan is not completed.)
-Support for NTFS standby data streams, etc.。
SpaceSniffer is fully portable on all modern Microsoft windows versions. (There are no installation files.)。So, It won't mess up your current registry - it just adds an XML profile.)。You can use executable files on other Microsoft Windows operating systems.;There is no need to extract the archive every time.。


Update the log:

Not yet


Version description:(@QweJay)

Sisulizer and SDL Passolo Chineseized part of the text Chineseization will appear"&#65533;&#1854;&#65533;&#65533;&#673;&#65533;",So part of it is not Chinese.,Basically does not affect use.

Green Hanhua single file portable version.


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Love green soft » Disk Space Analyzer SpaceSniffer v1.3.0.2 Hanhua