Android Notification Bar Power Indication Energy Bar vEB_6.5.4 b58 [Pro] Premium Unlock

Energy Bar is an app on the Android platform that displays power in notifications.。Nergy Bar indicates at the top of the screen that the current battery level adds a configurable energy bar.。And,When you think about it.,Such a simple battery strip can display such important information.,Try plugging in the charger - you'll be surprised at the animation details you see.。 Love Green Soft

Description of the app:

Indicates at the top of the screen that the current battery level adds a configurable energy bar.。And,When you think about it.,Such a simple battery strip can display such important information.,Try plugging in the charger - you'll be surprised at the animation details you see.。 Pulsating animations and bar charts not only indicate the current battery level.,It also shows your charger that has been charged since it was plugged in.。

Is it fully charged? The line overrides the entire width of the screen.。
Is the battery empty? The length of the energy bar is the same.。

The latest update to the app gives Energy Bar all the privileges.,Because it is now more integrated with the device through barrier-free services.。For you.,This means that your energy bar will be very reliable.,And it's perfect for the system.。As a complement to integration.,A nice UI allows you to make various configurations on the on-screen Real-Time Bar.。

Out-of-the-box functionality.:-
The energy bar can have monochrome/multiple color segments/gradients (pro)
You can assign any color in the world directly to your favorite configuration.
The width of the energy bar can be configured to 1 pixel.,to cover the entire status bar (pro)
The energy bar can be configured to automatically change color based on the real-time battery level.
Strong cakes can hide full-screen content (apps).,Video,Image,Games, etc.)
Energy Bar puts an almost 0% load on the CPU.,Because it wakes up just reflects any change in battery charge.
The origin of the energy bar can be configured to left/center/right.
Just plug the power into the device.,You can use the energy bar as a cool pulsating animation.

Everything's cool! But what about batteries that consume energy bars?

This is one of the most exciting questions I have to answer.。Energy bars know better than anything else that you need to use batteries efficiently (after all).,Is that why you installed the application? ,Android wakes up Energy Bar.。Wake up.,Energy Bar quickly updates itself and returns to sleep.。For greater efficiency.,When you turn off the screen.,Bar goes into deep sleep.,This means that it doesn't even read the battery level change when the screen is off.。

Barrier-free service requirements.:
Android requires Energy Bar to operate as a barrier-free service.,to be displayed on the lock screen.。It does not read/monitor any data.。For people with disabilities.,This is especially useful for reading numbers and better handling visual data.。

No charge animation? Samsung device solution.
Set up>Accessibility.>Increased visibility.>Remove the animation.> Uncheck (if selected)。

The screen is aging.:
Users can use the app's original variant, the Energy Bar, on their AMOLED devices for years.,There were no complaints.。But there is no claim that it may not happen.。


Update the log:

* Fixed'Support Dev Pack.’ constant revocation..
* General bug fixes..


Version description:

1、Professional features unlocked

2、The analysis was deleted

3、Supports offline use.

4、Compatible with AOSP


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Love green soft » Android Notification Bar Power Indication Energy Bar vEB_6.5.4 b58 [Pro] Premium Unlock