Why can't I register for ins (pro-test the latest solution)

Instagram abbreviation ins,Is a supported iOS、Windows Phone、Mobile social apps for android。Users of Ins can snap photos or images they want to share,One-click sync sharing to your Instagram account、Facebook、Twitter、Flickr、Tumblr.、Foursquare even on Sina Weibo。


Ins isn't just about taking pictures,It's a lightweight but fun app,Instagram incorporates a lot of social elements into the mobile side,This includes the establishment of friendships、Reply、Share and favorite, etc,This is the greatest value of Instagram's existence as a service rather than an app。At present, Ins is more than just a social media application,In the foreign trade industry, it is also valued by many merchants and used to promote their own products。

why can't I register?

Ins is good,But a lot of friends are complaining that Ins can't sign up。For the question of why Ins can't register,Let's discuss it in detail today!

1、Network issues

You know,Use foreign apps like Ins,We need accelerators to work properly,And many friends of the accelerator do not know where to find。I found an installation package for ins on the Internet,Install on your own phone,Although you can open the app,However, it is not possible to register and log in without network support。

So,Want to use ins,Solving network problems is the first step,It is also a necessary step。

Workaround:Download the accelerator,Access ins through accelerators。

2、The phone cannot be verified

There is a large number of friends,It's because of the time of registration,Your phone can't receive verification codes。The reasons for this problem are complex,It is possible that your number segment cannot be received,It's possible that the accelerator IP address you're using is identified as a malicious registration,There may also be network caton。


01、Replace the registered mobile phone number,Try to use normal number segments,Do not use virtual number segments as much as possible。

02、Accelerators are used as much as possible for paid purposes,Free accelerators are generally spammy IPs,It has long been recognized as having already registered,Paid IP is much better。

03、If you can't register now, you'll try again later,Some friends sent text messages several times in a row,None were received,It may be a card,I'll try again later,Too often,Will be identified as a malicious registration。

Instagram sign-up process

Registration of ins is not difficult (If you are in trouble, you can directly purchase the finished product number at the end of the article),First you need accessInstagram's official website,It is also commonly known as the web version。When opened, it appears as follows:


If it is used for the first time,You can click"Registration"Link,Enter the registration screen:


As required,Fill in the information,I'm using it hereGmail mailboxRegistered,Just click on the back of the accountCircleSymbols are on it,Click Register to go to the next step


Next,Ins will ask you to set your birthday information,It is recommended that the optional padding exceeds 18 Years of age,Easy to remember dates,This way you can see all the pictures on Ins — because some pictures aren't shown to teens。


Final step,Very simple,Enter the verification code to complete the registration。If you're inThe verification code was not found in the inboxDon't worry,It is recommended to click onSocial classificationOrAll mailto view it,Because sometimes,Messages from Ins may be automatically classified as social or spam。


Purchase by product number

If you really can't complete the registration,You can buy a ready-made account directly and use it yourself,Spend a little money,Solve your own long-term problems,Save time。

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