Why can stars be on ins (it turns out that this is such a secret that you don't know)

Now a lot of stars are using ins,Domestic stars use ins also to break into the international community,Have an impact at the international level,Make yourself more popular,Let crooked fruit people have channels to understand themselves。So,Basically most domestic stars will use ins。This has caused many domestic friends to be very confused,Domestic friends want to pay attention to the picture information of their favorite stars on ins,But I can't access it myself。Why can stars be on the ins,I can't?


So.,How do domestic stars get on ins?

In fact,This is already a thing that everyone is in the circle of stars。

There are two main reasons:

1、Frequently go abroad

In fact, mainland stars often go abroad,They filmed scenes for work,Both often fly to foreign countries。Just go abroad,They are naturally able to access local wifi or mobile network,You can use ins naturally。Just like we Chinese using the Internet in China is a truth,Easy access to your home network。



These stars occasionally go abroad,But most of the time it is still in China。Then domestically they want to visit ins,Then you have to use a tool "accelerator"。Because only accelerators can be used to access ins without restriction,The domestic network is blocked from ins,Therefore, direct use of mobile network or wifi is not normal。


There are two types of accelerators:

Regular accelerators:Install directly on your phone for use,Link Accelerator network nodes,Both foreign networks can be accessed。

Route Accelerator:A so-called route accelerator is an accelerator installed on a router,After this accelerator is installed,Our Internet device only needs to link the wifi of the router to access the ins normally。


Is it not to see here that everyone suddenly realized,In fact, these stars can not be free to visit ins,In fact, everyone is the same,It's just that they use some tools or the convenience of their position。And it's not that they have any privileges or anything like that,In the face of national policy,All are equal。

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Love green soft » Why can stars be on ins (it turns out that this is such a secret that you don't know)