Latest Twitter Registration Tutorial (Hand in Hand to Teach You The Complete Registration Tutorial)

Twitter is a very popular social networking platform,It has the same effect as domestic microblogs,But it's for users all over the world。A lot of friends want to use twitter,However, most of my friends have encountered many difficulties in the process of registering themselves,This eventually leads to abandonment。


Here we will put together the latest Twitter registration tutorial for you this year,Make sure every step is introduced to you,Very detailed,Hope to help you register your own account!

Twitter account registration tutorial specific steps

Twitter registration is getting stricter,When everyone fills in the information,Please do not fill in the form arbitrarily、Messy fill in,Be sure to be truthful,Otherwise, it will be considered a malicious registration or machine registration,This will not work。

1、First of all,Open Twitter's official website in a browser (,Google Chrome is recommended,Direct opening is not possible,A link accelerator is required here to open。


2、Follow the page prompts,Fill in the information truthfully,Then click sign up for Twitter twitter,The page jumps to the following page,After filling in the information as shown,Click Again to Register。


3、In the newly opened page,Select "China",Enter a mobile phone number that you can use,Click Next again。


4、At this point we will receive a verification text message from Twitter,Fill in the verification SMS into the verification input box,In the next step,At this time, the account is successfully registered。

5、This time,Twitter will let you fill in some information to complete your account profile,We can fill in the questions step by step according to the prompts。


6、What are you interested in? This is twitter to understand what aspects of content you're interested in,This is how good it is to push relevant content for you。


7、After all the information is completed,Twitter will send an email to the mailbox you left in the first place,Enter the mailbox,Click on the link in the email,Account verification is complete。


These are some of the core processes for normal twitter registration,It's actually quite simple,But many friends often encounter various problems in the process of registration,Let's say your phone can't receive a verification code、Just registered and then banned and other problems。If you can't sign up on your own,Consider buying a ready-made Twitter account。

Sign up for twitter considerations

These precautions are very important,percent 90 The above friends can not register or the account is abnormal are caused by the following reasons。

1、Everyone is at the time of registration,Accelerators are generally used,A lot of friends use free accelerators,The IP addresses provided by these accelerators are basically used by a large number of netizens to register。These IPs have long been identified by Twitter as malicious registered IP addresses,Register with these IPs,That's self-inflicted death,Either can't register,Either you will be banned after just registering。

2、Some phones can't receive a verification code,This is a mobile phone number that we try to use as much as possible for regular use,Like some 170、171 Segmental,This belongs to the virtual number segment,It is possible that the registration fails。

3、Keep the IP address clean,The IP mentioned here is when we link accelerators,The accelerator assigns us an IP address。Try not to use free,Free, you know,Anyone can use it,It must be some low-quality users,Fool around。Conditions allow you to purchase accelerators that pay a monthly subscription,This quality is generally relatively high,Since it is paid,Accelerator platforms also provide premium IP。

4、After registration,Improve personal information in a timely manner,This way Twitter will think that you are a real user who really wants to use Twitter,instead of malicious registration。

5、Tweet occasionally,It is also possible to write about the mood,This helps improve the quality of your Twitter account。

6、Don't run wild ads,Post offending content,It's easy to ban the name! Account registration is not easy,Take care of your account!

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