Air-based remote shutdown tool v1.1

The Wind Remote Shutdown Tool is a timed shutdown tool、A gadget that shuts down remotely。Now love green soft for everyone to bring the wind remote shutdown tool has been updated to v1.1

The remote shutdown worker monitors the contents of the cloud notes (both on the computer and mobile phone side,5s receive once) to implement a remote shutdown、Timed shutdown and cancellation shutdown;Local scheduling and de-shutdown are also supported

Description of the app:

Software features: By monitoring the contents of your cloud notes (both on the computer and on the phone side).,5s receive once) to implement a remote shutdown、Timed shutdown and cancellation shutdown;Local scheduling and de-shutdown are also supported;
The software is written for easy languages,There are false positives,The XP system was not tested,By convention, it may not be available


The network instruction format:
The software supports a 24-hour format,The 12-hour system is not supported
Shut down the input now:Shutdown
Timed shutdown
Input:2230Shut down or shut down 2230
Cancel the shutdownInput:Cancel

Precautions:After entering a network instruction through a cloud note,You must go back to the cloud note software home page (auto-sync) or pull-down sync data


Update the log:

Fixes BUG that failed to cancel the task (thanks for feedback from sage6),The interface has been adjusted with pixels


Version description:(My love is special@xiyuboy)

Official Edition


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Love green soft » Air-based remote shutdown tool v1.1