Android Slow Motion Video Editing Video Speed v1.79 Special Edition

Video Speed is a video editing tool on android.。Now Love Green Soft brings android slow-motion video editing Video Speed Special Edition has been updated. v1.79.

Video Editor:Best slow motion.,Quick Action Video Editor on Android.。You can move fast and slow in the same video.。You can have a lot of fun with the app! Applications can be used to improve tennis.,Football,Swimming and more.

Description of the app:

Video Editor:Best slow motion.,Quick Action Video Editor on Android.。You can move fast and slow in the same video.。You can have a lot of fun with the app! Applications can be used to improve tennis.,Football,Swimming and more.。

There is no watermark for the video.。All features are free!

<<<< Characteristics >>>>

+ Capture video from the app's built-in camera.。You can choose from a video library.。
+ Edit – Create multiple video clips by tweaking the video.。And then,You can choose the speed at which you create slow and fast-motion videos.。You can mix video clips at different speeds.。For example,The first clip of the video.;Fast movement.。The second segment of the video.;Slow motion。The third section of the video.;Fast movement.。
+ Intuitive control.,Used to select clips from the video.。
+ You can set the video speed to custom slow and fast motion values.。You can use the speed set by the slider.。Choose from the range of slow motion and fast playback speeds.。
+ Select music from the Music Library.。You can choose the original sound or mute.。The audio is also set to slow or fast in the case of the original sound.。If you select from the Music Library.,You can play music.。You can choose a portion of your favorite song.。
+ The user can change the position of the video clip.。Then you can move the video clip.。You can delete some video clips.。All video segments are joined at build time.。
+ Share a video on Instagram.,Facebook's.,On YouTube.,WhatsApp.。The app is available on YouTube channels.,Speed painting.,Skating and more.。You'll be the coolest among your friends!
+ All created videos are in the library.,for quick access.。Built-in video player.。The player supports portrait and landscape.。Video playback supports your phone! The video resolution remains the same.。
+ Best video editor.。Trim and combine support for several video clips.。There is no need to change the original speed of the video segment.。It can help you create amazing videos.。
+ Professionals can use the app to improve their tennis.,Swimming.,Basketball.,More.。This will help to identify areas for improvement.。
+ The user interface is beautiful.
+ Best video processing to create best picture.。

You will love the app.。Enjoy it! Download the slow and fast motion of the video speed! Start creating your best picture! All features are completely free!


Update the log:

Few Fixes.
Earlier Releases.:
– Fix for Lollipop..
– Improved Help Tutorial..
– The Change in segment creation.
– Fix in front camera videos..
– Fix in Audio selection.. Improved the Gallery option.. Fix is to Video Generation., Segment selection and few more s..


Version description:

PRO function unlocked

Description:Click the upgrade button to resume purchases.


Version description: Password:ben2


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  • All resources on this site are free to download。
  • Exclusive lying local high-speed download or blue-play high-speed links only for our members。

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Love green soft » Android Slow Motion Video Editing Video Speed v1.79 Special Edition