Month: August 2016

Local file search tool Everything v1.4.1.965 Portable

Everything uses very low system resources during indexing,Track file changes in real time,And you can share searches at http or ftp.。This version integrates 32-bit and 64-bit automatic judgment operating systems to release corresponding bit width text:.

Book Flag Novellatest v5.0.20180915 google paly version

Book flag novel is a must-have free novel network for the vast number of book fans。Book flag novels in the spirit of free、No bullet window、Full text、The purpose of updating quickly,Free novels of all types of book flags for you。Read the novel to the book flag novel network! Nice reader.,Collection Online Reading、root...

360Speed Browser v12.0.1014.0 Green Portable

360Speed browser based on Chromium open source project suitable for domestic ultra-fast browser,360Extreme Browser compatible with some plug-in apps in the official chrome store,But it also has its own app store,Fewer store plug-ins。Love Green Soft

Moon Browser Pale Moon v28.6.0.1 Official Edition

Pale Moon Moon Browser is quite popular abroad,Designed primarily to increase Firefox's speed。It adds a variety of firefox extensions.,to make it more beautiful.,More features.,It's also more suitable for nods.。Pale Moo...
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